"The perfect solution is not sought, but one that is sufficient to continue working. Practice tells us whether it works. That's how a present-oriented ability to act emerges." Francois Michael Wiesmann
With sociocracy, it is possible to make coherent decisions together. It promotes self-organization and enables a group of people to achieve their goals without power converging on individuals. Sociocracy has solutions for organizations that on the one hand work with flat hierarchies and take personal concerns seriously, but at the same time want to be goal-oriented and efficient. This brings everyone more self-responsibility, leeway and joy.
The sociocratic organization is based on circles that manage their work areas on their own responsibility. This means that important decisions are made where people with the appropriate competence and ability to act come together. A key question of sociocracy is: How can an organization be structured in such a way that everyone finds their place in it? The visionary can flourish in her role in a different way if she does not act in parallel - more or less by mistake - as boss, press office and crisis manager.
A leader does not have to fear that the jointly developed result will fall short of her vision. In the event of a serious objection - serious if she sees the common goal in jeopardy - it is always heard and taken into account.
When decisions are made, it is not a matter of everyone saying yes, but rather of sharing a decision by "consensus." Good moderation is perhaps the most important element in sociocracy. It always keeps the focus on the overriding values and goals. It finds - with everyone in the circle, even the quiet voices - a "both and" instead of an "either or." A solution that is good enough for now and safe enough to try. The important thing here is attitude. Objections are heard and integrated in a way that raises the level of the final decision made. At the same time, sociocratic work takes up less time for emotional processes or hidden conflicts, conserving strength and resources.
"We were looking for a way to bring more effectiveness and clarity into our system. ZEGG is characterized by the consensus principle, which has long been common in our culture. Therefore, it was important for us to define clear roles, establish (flat) hierarchies and use a decision-making process that allows for a lot of participation. We have succeeded in doing all this with the sociocratic methods we have been using since 2009. To give this process more thrust, we created an organizational development circle in 2017. It takes care of training and development and of working out solutions when there are tensions in the organization."
Cordula Andrä, Management ZEGG gGmbH